Presenter Instructions



  • Prepare your Poster to fit within a display board size of: 4 feet high x 8 feet wide.
  • Posters are to be mounted between 0700-0900 on the day of your presentation.
  • Posters are to be taken down at the end of the day of your presentation. Take down times are:
  • Monday, September 23: 1600
    Wednesday, September 25: 1600
    Thursday, September 26: 1430

  • Posters will be on display in the exhibit hall, and you are required to be at your poster to answer questions during the dedicated presentation time on your presentation day. Presentation times are:
  • Monday, September 23: 1500-1600
    Wednesday, September 25: 1500-1600
    Thursday, September 26: 1330-1430





  • Oral presentations will be 10 minutes long plus 2 minutes for discussion (12 minutes total per presentation).
  • A computer and full powerpoint set up will be provided. Presenters must bring their presentation file on a USB stick.
  • Presentations will be loaded on the onsite computer early on the morning of your presentation. Details on the time and place to meet to load your presentation will be provided to you when you register at the conference.


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