
IATDMCT Best Poster Awards

  1. The awards shall be presented to the author or group of authors of each of two posters presented at the biennial IATDMCT Congress. One poster will be selected as the Best Poster in the field of Clinical Toxicology and the other will be the Best Poster in the field of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.
  2. The posters selected for these awards shall be determined by an independent panel of judges.
  3. The panel of judges will include the person from the Congress Organizing Committee who is responsible for abstracts (or their designates from the Organizing Committee), the Editors-in-Chief of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (or their designate from the Editorial Board), and an IATDMCT Director of Education. The Editors-in-Chief of TDM (or their designates) will co-chair the panel. At their discretion, these judges can appoint additional judges as required.
  4. A poster is eligible if at least one author is an IATDMCT member and none of the authors is a member of the panel of judges. If a judge works in the same laboratory as one of the authors, the judge must remove himself from the adjudication of that poster.
  5. Each Award will consist of a certificate for the first author. The Awards will be presented at the Banquet or at some other suitable occasion during the conference.
  6. The marking scheme for posters will be – Originality (40%), Significance (20%), Degree of Scientific/Technical Challenge (25%), and Presentation (15%).



Best Young Scientist Oral Presentation and Best Young Scientist Poster Presentation

Two prizes are awarded to the Young Scientists at the biennial IATDMCT meetings, one for the best oral presentation and one for the best poster, as follows:

• The two winners will be awarded the sum of $750 each.

• These prizes are reserved, according to the regulations of the Young Scientists group, to IATDMCT members aged 40 years or younger.

• The jury will be made up of the chair and at least 2 other members of the Young Scientists’ committee.

• Both awards will be presented by the President at the Closing Ceremony of each biennial meeting.

Please ensure you indicate with your Abstract submission that you are an Young Scientist (40 years & under) if you want to be considered for the Young Scientist prizes.

For more information on these awards click here.